Posts Tagged ‘one on one’

Thriving in the 21st Century

In this Issue:

  • Intro
  • Suddenly Downsized
  • The Pace of Knowledge and its Application
  • Marketplace Mandatory Skills for Business and Life
  • Powering Your Personal Leadership Continuum
  • Fuel for CSC
  • Special Offer 
  • Complimentary Resources

Happy New Year! 

Hope all had wonderful holidays and are excited about the year ahead!

My  newsletters had taken a slight hiatus, as I had to take a step back to focus on the systems of my business. Working the systems isn’t quite as much fun as interacting with all of you; however, it is something huge to concentrate on for business growth.  Focusing on the clarity of what I have been creating has been a must and  has been a challenging proposition. What I do so naturally & do in such an integrated way, has been difficult for me to breakdown.  As more clarity and systems have been gained, I can now resume the consistency of my newsletter. Looking forward to the year ahead with YOU!

 Warm Regards,


 Suddenly downsized

When I was suddenly downsized approximately two years ago, I, along with many others  who experienced this,  again learned the true meaning of creating life in your vision rather than relying on the actions of others in business or life to determine that for you.   It reemphasized the mantra that constant growth is a mainstay to achieving your goals in work and in life. Constant growth means getting out of your comfort zone. Growing means seeking and participating in constant personal and professional development. Build your strong foundation by identifying  your passions, strengths and abilities while  clarifying your purpose and vision. When you work this process, you begin to work towards creating work/life balance and fulfillment.

 The Pace of Knowledge and its Application

The world has forever changed and technology has increased the pace of the transfer of knowledge and change by “light years”.

Increasing knowledge is one aspect of learning. Without application and intentional direction of knowledge, knowledge is not power.  Goals, deliberate practical applications, accountability and reassessment are all key to successful knowledge application.  

In order to identify aspects that contribute to your knowledge and growth for whole person leadership, CSC created the Building Blocks of Connection which represent important knowledge connections : Authentic, Relationship, Learning, Time, Productivity, The Plan & Support.

Today’s global, rapidly changing world represents knowledge opportunity!

Marketplace Mandatory Skills for Business & Life

* The ability to brand and market yourself with the skill to communicate this

   in person & virtually

*  Knowledge of your strengths, as well as your gaps, so you can surround

   yourself with a complete team (personally and professionally) and aren’t left

   vulnerable with blind spots.

*  The ability to think like entrepreneurs (outside of the box, innovation,

    problem solving)

*  To embrace diversity in others including thinking styles, affective    

   differences and cultures

*  To create strong relationships

Powering your Personal Leadership Continuum

All of the above are traits that power your personal leadership continuum which begins with your empowerment. We are all leaders whether we hold the position or not.  We all  hold the power to influence.  

Personal Leadership Foundation Fuels Maximizing Business Performance and Cultivates Business and Life Success.

Fuel for CSC Services

All described in this newsletter is the foundation for my company and embedded in the variety of services we provide: Power Training for groups, corporations and individuals. I didn’t set out to create all of this; it has authentically  evolved! In summary and figurative terms, we’re no longer talking about getting on the  bus, we are talking about flying  on the mother ship.  If you want to fly successfully, the above referenced is your travel map.

 Special Offer

Contact me for your complimentary 30 minute consultation or to be a guest at this Thursday’s Mastermind Power Connection ™. Good through 1/31/11.

Visit my website for further information:

 Work /Life Effectiveness Services  

 Mastermind Power Connection (TM)

  • New Sessions Begin Starting 1/13/11
  • Innovative Business, Professional, and Personal Connection Forum for Business Professionals and Entrepreneurs
  • Maximizing Business Performance, Increasing Market Presence & Market Share, Peer Presentations, Personal Branding, Work/Life Balance and MORE!
  • 12 Hours of Group Sessions
  • Goal Setting – Brainstorming – Action Plan – Accountability
  • Customized for You: Your goals, Priorities, Challenges, Talents & Strengths
  • Six Half-Hour Private Power Training Sessions all about YOU!

  Blog Talk Radio Resources
Download Any Time or Listen Live Every Tuesday, 11:30 am (EST)  

 Great Radio Show!

TU 1/11/11 11:30 AM EST

 “Increase Revenues, Business Value & Enjoy Life as a Business Owner” Guest:  David Finkel, Ex-Olympic-level athlete turned business multi-millionaire, David is one of the nation’s most respected business thinkers.

 Upcoming Shows:

 “The Empowerment Mindset”,

Emotional Intelligence, The Power of Networking & so much more!

 First Tuesday of Each Month: Special Show for Singles

 More Social Networking Events for All Business Professionals & Entrepreneurs TBA 

 Past Radio Shows:

 Branding:   12/15/09, 6/29/10 &  8/24/10.

 Global Leadership: 11/23/10 & 11/30/10.

 Over 47 shows to choose from!


Connect with me!




CSC Serves:

* All Business

   Professionals &


  Marie Pijanowski          678.689.7859